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Aulyte Kepek Önleyici Saç Temizleme Serumu 200 ML

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  • Aulyte Kepek Önleyici Saç Temizleme Serumu 200 ML


Aulyte Kepek Önleyici Saç Temizleme Serumu; Saçta kepek oluşumuna sebep olan yağı ve kiri derinlemesine temizleyip, saçların güzel ve dolgun görünüme kavuşmasına yardımcı olur. Saç ve saçlı deriye uygulanabilir. Her yaş ve cilt tipi için kullanıma uygundur.

Aulyte Anti – Dandruff Hair Cleasing Serum; it is used by men, women, adults and teens to wet the hair and scalp. Suitable for all hair and skin types.

How to use: Wash the hair with soap or shampoo, then rub the scalp with AULYTE solution in one direction. it is recommended to make a difference in the hair using a comb. Wipe the scalp well with a cotton swab dipped in AULYTE solution until all the skin is treated.

in the event of hair loss or skin inflammation and itching, it is recommended to make a compress of iolite solution and cover it with plastic and a towel for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Repeat the process once every 3-4 days. The duration of treatment is from (6-8) times. The itching will be removed, the skin inflammation will be gradually eliminated, and the hair loss will be removed.

Note: Blood pressure should be monitored for people who are prone to high blood pressure.

محلول تنظيف الشعر من القشرة و منع تساقط الشعر

يستخدم محلول الأيوليت من قبل كلا الجنسين و لكافة الأعمار  و لجميع انواع الشعر و البشرة . يبليل الشعر و فروة الرأس بعد غسلهما بالشانبو او الصابون و يعمل تدليك لمدة ثلاث دقائق . يفضل مسح الرأس بقطعة قطن مبللة بالمحلول لضمان ملامسة جميع البشرة


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